Pizza Pricing
Last year our pizza price was lowered to $2.00. This year it's
been reposted at $2.50 without my knowledge as the chair. We are using the same supplier as St. Judes, same size pizza slices. The pizza program is there to give all students the opertunity
to buy an affordable pizza slice. Some families have brought to my attention that they are finding the price too high. I would recommend and vote on charging $2.00 so that the slices are afford
to more families.
Near the end of school last year we found that we had more and
more pizza slices left over at the end of lunch hour. Another member of council suggested that we sell it off instead of wrapping up and freezing it. I thought this was a great idea as there's
always a hungry grade 7 or 8 student. The older students seem to want more then one slice of pizza and selling the extras at the end of lunch seemed to meet the mandate of the program.....selling
pizza to hungry students/feeding hungry students. If elected I'd recommend doing this again. Children concentrate better when they're not hungry, thus helping to create a better work
St.Teresa of Calcuttas pizza program
hasbecomevery important to our school over the past years. It's not only a lunch program, but also a way for parent council to support Dcdsb incentives towards anti-bullying.Our previous Principal
Mrs.Oreilly had brought for the concept of wearing anti-bullying pink t-shirts year round, every Wednesday. In 2015-2016 our pizza helpers wore t-shirts designed from a student within the
board.2016-2017 our council decided to design our own anti-bullying t-shirts in support of the Dcdsb anti-bullying incentives. We paired our t-shirt design with that of the Drps anti-bullying
communitypolice car and came up with agreat t-shirt that we are very proud of! This shirt is encouraged to be worn every Wednesday by all students of the school.
To make things fun last year, we gave the kids a friendly
competition to see which classes could have the most students wear a t-shirt. At each Wednesday lunch hour I'd tally the number and report back to Mr. Boland the winning classroom. That classroom
would receive extra gym time or recess, principal/teacher picked which one.